
When your pet has been admitted to our 24 hour hospital on West Road

You can contact them on 0191 274 7910 and quote your file number so they can access your record quickly. If your pet is staying longer and you would like to visit, you can call and arrange this at the address below.

When your pet needs the extra care and attention from an overnight stay or longer hospitalisation, we have a team in place to care for them. Every morning a senior vet reviews the cases and phones owners, normally by 10am, with a plan for the day. At night there is a Veterinary-led team, who will check over the hospital and deal with emergencies. Your pets clinical notes are updated, maintained and the cases handed over so that, regardless of shift changes, their care is continuous.

When your pet is well enough to return home, a review appointment will be made or with more complex cases with on-going multiple medications you may be asked to attend a discharge appointment.